Eclipsen sålde slut på Systembolagets webblansering inom 24 timmar!
Det var stor efterfrågan när de fem kvarvarande sorterna Eclipse släpptes på Systembolagets Webblansering den 26 maj. Men det var kanske väntat? Under Göteborgs Öl och Whiskymässa 2016 placerade sig nämligen 6 st Eclipse öl bland mässans 10 högst rejtade öl. Varför kan man fråga sig? Hemligheten ligger kanske i bryggeriet Fifty Fifty´s beskrivning av ölet:
”Barrel aged imperial stout. FiftyFifty has taken our award winning Totality Imperial Stout, and aged it in Oak Bourbon Barrels for a minimum of 180 days. Imperial Stouts are noted for being rich substantial beers, and this barrel-aged version does not disappoint on that fact. Brewed in small 300 gallon batches, our brewers lovingly craft this masterpiece just once a year. Made with the finest malts, hops, fresh mountain water and yeast, over 18 separate ingredients lend their unique character to this beer. Different barrel-aging styles are noted by the color of the wax top. At first taste there is a large presence of dark chocolate, espresso and warmth from the alcohol of the beer. Oak barrel character then comes into play with hints of vanilla and coconut, followed by mild bitterness from the hops, and then a nice long lingering finish with hints of tobacco, dark dried fruit and more chocolate.”